
The Conference welcomes papers on issues relating to the following topics:

  • Conceptual & Practical Ship Design
  • Numerical and Experimental Hydrodynamics
  • Structural Design and Production Technology
  • Stability, Seakeeping  and Maneuverability
  • Ship Propulsion
  • Shipmanagement  and Safety
  • Warship Design and Technology
  • Yacht and Pleasure Craft Design
  • Workboats and Fishing Vessels
  • Offshore Vessels Design and Engineering
  • Human Factors and Comfort on board
  • Maritime Economics & Logistics
  • Short Sea Shipping
  • Inland Navigation
  • Environmental Impact of Marine Operations
  • Tribology: applications to the Marine Field

The Conference welcomes papers on issues relating to the following topics too, hosted in a parallel symposium on Composite Materials:

  • Innovative Fabrication Technologies
  • Application of Avanced Composites
  • Naval Composites Design
  • Composites: Durability and Reliability

Parallel workshops will be organized to discuss issues of interest. A workshop on the following issue is already planned. Papers relating to it are  welcome too:

  • Maritime  Piracy: a Top Priority Worldwide. Defence systems on board

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