ATENA Conferences System, NAV 2012 17th International Conference on Ships and Shipping Research

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Concept design of a ship to clean up the garbage patch
Hee Jin Kang

Last modified: 2012-04-24


Garbage patches are formed by ocean currents that carry pelagic plastics, sludge and other debris. Much of garbage patches consist of plastics, and most of these plastics are reusable. The area that is occupied by a garbage patch ranges upward to that of a large island and is continuously growing. To clean up the garbage patch, transportation and disposal processes require high costs, which is why the problem will worsen. Thus, various research studies have been performed to solve the garbage patch problem. In this paper, we discuss the use of a vessel as a novel approach to cleaning up garbage patches. From the point of view that considers garbage patches as a type of a new energy source and raw materials, the vessel could be used to gather the marine debris and sort them via a low-energy process. Then the vessel recycles the debris in the ocean over long time periods.

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