ATENA Conferences System, NAV 2012 17th International Conference on Ships and Shipping Research

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Investigation of Short Sea Shipping Policy, Service and Lines in Turkey
arife tugsan isaicik colak, sevilay can

Last modified: 2012-09-12


The seas are lifeblood for Europe and Turkey. Nowadays new shipping technology lets us to improve ourselves about shipping and sea trades. For modern country, new trend is to make a new motorways for any wheeled trucks at sea not on highways. Short Sea Shipping means that short distance and short duration of voyage that does not cross the ocean. This is not only choice of economic, other advantages of short sea shipping are defined as; aiming to prevent air pollution, aiming to prevent noise pollution, to provide silence on roads, to reduce the risks of deaths at congestion traffic, to reduce economic costs of road transportation, fair pricing – lower jam rate and optimum duration in navigation, fast and regular integrated  logistic chain (door to door),  a wide range of cargo product like any wheeled trucks, lorries, lowbeds, trailer, even non–standard vehicles. This paper examines study of Short Sea Shipping services and comparison and co-operation between Europe and Turkey, Europe Short Sea Shipping policy, Turkey Short Sea Shipping  policy Turkish Short Sea Shipping Lines and Companies, also presents operational  and structural differencences of roro vessel.


Keywords: Europe Union, Turkey, Short Sea Shipping, Roro Shipping


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